Friday, June 10, 2016


1) Some thing that I liked about this class was that we were given helpful lessons that would help improve how we live.

2) Something that I did not like about this class was that I feel we did not have enough free time.

3) Something that I think will help improve this class would be to create more interaction with creating programs.

4) A highlight that I had made during this class was my scratch program that was difficult to create but I was able to pull it off.

5) I did really do by best in this class because I would always read my life planning journal and I would always try to follow the rules and tips we were taught. 

6) I am reading my life planning journal everyday although I might not record my progress, I am reading. 

7) I am committed to being a CTR person because CTR will help me have a brighter future and I should live by it. 

8) What I will pass down from this class will be to CTR and never CTW.

9) The thing that I will always remember about this class will be that I can always become a better person. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the countries armed forces. 

Memorial Day is on the last Monday in May.

A few ways to show honor on Memorial Day is to say thank you to a veteran or current member of the armed forces. You could also visit a Va's national cemeteries. You could also place flags or flowers on a veteran's grave. 

Some interesting facts that I learned about Memorial Day is that it was not always celebrated on the last Monday of May, it used to be celebrated every 30th of May. 
It is legally required to observe a National Moment of Remembrance.
More than 36 million people will travel at least 50 miles from home this Memorial Day.

On memorial day me and my family go to my brother's home who is currently in the army and stay their with him until it gets late. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Becoming Your Best

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
Image result for steve shallenberger
1. Be true to character
Be true to yourself. Don't act differently only to impress people. Lying to yourself and showing people who you actually are not is the same thing as lying to them. 
2.Use your imagination 
Use imagination in your every day life. Express yourself in ways that only you are able to. Think of creative positive things. 
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3.Apply the power of knowledge 
Use what you know to help you in life. Use your knowledge of things to help make your life easier. Apply the knowledge you to into your life in general. 
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4.Never Give up
Do not give up on things that are difficult. You have to keep trying. If you never failed at something then you never actually tried to do something in life. 

5.Find peace and balance
Peace and balance can help you become into a highly successful leader. Peace is the balance to everything. When other people see you in a peaceful state they will ask you for advice. 

6. Live the Golden Rule  
Always treat people in a kind and friendly matter as though the way you want to be treated. Don't wish for bad things upon others as those bad thoughts might happen to you. One should not treat others in ways that they would not like to be treated. 

7. Build and maintain trust
For someone to truly believe in you, first you must gain their trust. Build that trust and continue to grow that trust that you have with a person. Show others that you are responsible enough to keep secrets. Show them that you do not break promises. Be open minded and never reject an idea or suggestion. Be empathetic so people and trust you. Be consistent and make sure you words make sense with what you are saying. 
8. Quick to listen slow to wrath
Be very open minded and listen to what others have to say. Do not get mad before the other person has a chance to explain. Do not listen to find a problem or an issue, listen to find the issue behind the complaint. 
"Anger doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing but it can destroy everything" 
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9. Lead with vision
Lead people with a goal in mind so everyone can see. Don't just lead others but also yourself. Lead your life with a plan in your mind on what you want to do so it can lead your life. You can not lead your life you do not yourself in something. Picture the future. 

10. Manage with a plan
Don't lead your life not knowing what to do. Make sure you plan out things so you wont be lost in the future. Just like principle number 9 "Lead with vision" make sure you know what you are doing.
"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." -Peter Drucker 
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11. Do what matters the most
Make sure you know how much something ways in importance. For example making sure you finish all of your homework is more important than you making sure you check your social media. Manage the things that are important first and then everything else can be second. 

12. Be accountable 
Be expected to be responsible for your own actions. Know what you are doing and don't make excuses about it, they were your actions now stand up for them. Begin with a clear mind for success. Identify the means to be able to measure your progress. Don't ever give up. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

10 Tips to being more truthfull

10 Tips to Being More Truthful
Image result for Barbara A. Lewis
Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator
The Ten Tips for being More Truthful 
1.Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Make sure to tell the truth. Always be honest. Be committed to not lie to yourself or others. Honesty is always the best. 
2.Tell someone about your commitment.
Tell others your plans of having to always tell the truth. Showing others that you are committed to doing something might inspire them to do the same.

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. 
Make sure to watch what you say. Don't just say dishonest things to others without thinking of how they might feel with your response. 

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. 
Do not use sarcasm, exaggeration, or irony to make fun of people. Do not use them to hurt others but instead to motivate them, to make them better. 
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. 
Make sure to never go around the truth for that makes it a lie. Make sure to say the whole truth and don't leave anything that out that should be said. You can't call it the truth if you don't if you say all of it. 
6. Don't indulge in little white lies. 
Don't get involved in people lies no matter how small they might be. Don't help someone in their lies tell them to be honest instead of lying. 
7. Watch out for silent lies. 
Some people might not tell you the truth because they are hiding something. They do no want to tell you something so you should be on the lookout for when people are not telling you the truth. 
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse. 
When you see yourself about to lie remember to tell yourself that lying is bad and say the truth. 

9. Talk to yourself
Make sure that every once in a while you reassure yourself that you are doing the right thing. Although your decisions might not be popular, or the same thing if you talk to yourself and remember that you are doing the right thing you will be truthful. 
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10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
When you tell the truth you should give yourself a reward. Telling the truth is a difficult task but if you reward yourself you are more likely to tell the truth. Use a motivation to tell the truth more. 

The Ten Tips for being More Truthful can benefit me by helping me become more truthful. The tips that I am applying right now are all of them. The ten tips are helping me become more honest. I will incorporate the ten tips into my Life Planning Goals by creating new goals that involve telling the truth. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

How the Internet Works

How the Internet Works
Image result for internet

  • The Internet is a tangible physical system made to move information. 
  • The information is made out of bits and can be describes as any pair of opposites.
  •  Bits are sent by electricity, light or radio waves. Light is the best way to send bits and they are sent through a fiber optic cable.
  •  Everyone has their own ip address. 
  • Internet does not travel through a fixed path. The information travels through different paths and might sometime break down the information and deliver the information at different times.
  •  HTML stands for Hyper text markup language. Html could change the way a website looks with either a picture or the change of text. The more html a website has the slower it will load.
  •  A secure website will have a lock next to the https. Information is protected by being sent as a encryption. The information is sent within 256 bit keys which will make it impossible to be decrypted.
  •  Viruses can easily get into your computer. They are dangerous and can steal private information, take over your device or delete information. 
  • DDOS(Distributed denial of service) is when hackers overwhelm a website with too many requests.