Wednesday, April 6, 2016

10 Tips to being more truthfull

10 Tips to Being More Truthful
Image result for Barbara A. Lewis
Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator
The Ten Tips for being More Truthful 
1.Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Make sure to tell the truth. Always be honest. Be committed to not lie to yourself or others. Honesty is always the best. 
2.Tell someone about your commitment.
Tell others your plans of having to always tell the truth. Showing others that you are committed to doing something might inspire them to do the same.

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. 
Make sure to watch what you say. Don't just say dishonest things to others without thinking of how they might feel with your response. 

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. 
Do not use sarcasm, exaggeration, or irony to make fun of people. Do not use them to hurt others but instead to motivate them, to make them better. 
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. 
Make sure to never go around the truth for that makes it a lie. Make sure to say the whole truth and don't leave anything that out that should be said. You can't call it the truth if you don't if you say all of it. 
6. Don't indulge in little white lies. 
Don't get involved in people lies no matter how small they might be. Don't help someone in their lies tell them to be honest instead of lying. 
7. Watch out for silent lies. 
Some people might not tell you the truth because they are hiding something. They do no want to tell you something so you should be on the lookout for when people are not telling you the truth. 
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse. 
When you see yourself about to lie remember to tell yourself that lying is bad and say the truth. 

9. Talk to yourself
Make sure that every once in a while you reassure yourself that you are doing the right thing. Although your decisions might not be popular, or the same thing if you talk to yourself and remember that you are doing the right thing you will be truthful. 
Image result for talk to yourself

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
When you tell the truth you should give yourself a reward. Telling the truth is a difficult task but if you reward yourself you are more likely to tell the truth. Use a motivation to tell the truth more. 

The Ten Tips for being More Truthful can benefit me by helping me become more truthful. The tips that I am applying right now are all of them. The ten tips are helping me become more honest. I will incorporate the ten tips into my Life Planning Goals by creating new goals that involve telling the truth. 

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